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What is iOS Development ?
iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company’s mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Mobile is a full-service iOS app development company providing services that cover the entire development cycle, from concept to distribution.
Whu We Need IOS ?
Mobile app development is a hot skill. With more and more people opting for it, there is a dire need to choose the most in-demand mobile technology. Looking at the popularity and demand for Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod, it is safe to say that a career in iOS Development is a good bet. Experienced as well as entry-level professionals are entering the world of iOS Development as there are immense job opportunities that provide good pay package and even better career growth. A new survey of mobile app developers by VisionMobile also shows that iOS is the right technology to spend your time and money on.
Prerequisite of IOS Development
you should have a basic understanding of Computer Programming terminologies. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages, especially Objective C programming language, will help you learn the concepts of iOS programming faster.
Syllabus IOS Development
- iPhone and iPad Device Anatomy
- iOS Architecture and SDK Frameworks
- iOS and SDK Version Compatibility
- Apple iOS Developer Program
- Tour of the IDE
- Templates, Projects, and Workspaces
- Creating a New Project
- Debug Gauges
- Asset Management
- XCTest Testing Framework
- Continuous Integration and Bots
- Automatic Configuration
Objective-C for Experienced Programmers
- Classes, Objects, and Methods
- Declared Properties
- Memory Management
- Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
- Categories and Extensions
- Formal and Informal Protocols
- Blocks
Application Patterns and Architecture
- Model View Controller (MVC)
- IBOutlets and IBActions
- Subclassing and Delegation
Views and Windows
- The View Hierarchy
- Containers
- Controls
- Text and Web Views
- Navigation View and Tab Bars
- Alert Views and Action Sheets
- Controlling Rotation Behavior
- View Autosizing
- Autolayout
- Storyboards
- Adding Scenes
- Segues
- Transitions
- Using in a Tab Bar Application
Table Views
- Static and Dynamic Table Views
- Delegates and DataSources
- Table View Styles
- Custom Cells
Navigation Based Applications
- Adding the Root View Controller
- Creating the Navigation Controller
- Controlling the Stack Navigation Programmatically
UIPickerView and UIDatePicker
- Designing the UI
- Coding for the Data Picker
- Hiding the Keyboard
- Memory Management
Directories and Files
- NSFileManager, NSFileHandle, and NSData
- Pathnames in Objective-C
- Working with Directories
- Working with Files
- Reading and Writing from a File
- iCloud
- Key-Value Data
- Archiving
- Working with Data
- SQLite Integration
- Using SQLite Directly
- Overview of Core Data
- Managed Objects
- Persistent Store Coordinator
- Entity Descriptions
- Retrieving and Modifying Data
- Multitouch, Taps, and Gestures
- The Responder Chain
- Touch Notification Methods
- Enabling Multitouch on the View
- Gesture Motions
- Gesture Recognizers
- Core Graphics and Quartz 2D
- Lines,Paths,andShapes
- Core Animation Blocks
- Animation Curves
- Transformations
- Application States
- Background Execution
- Background App Refresh in iOS 7
- State Restoration
- Local Notifications
- Push Notifications
Core Location Framework
- Location Accuracy
- Obtaining Location Information
- Calculating Distances
- MapKit Framework and MKMapView
- Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
- Serial and Concurrent Queues
- Main Dispatch Queue
- Completion Blocks
- Operation Queues
- Reachability
- Synchronous Downloads
- Asynchronous Downloads
- Handling Timeouts
- Sending HTTP GET and POST Requests
- Parsing JSON
- Parsing XML
- AirDrop
Targeting Multiple Devices
- iPhone vs. iPad
- Universal Apps
- Multiple SDK Support
- Detecting Device Capabilities
- Supporting iOS 6 and iOS 7
- Resources
- Language and Region
- NSLocale
- Text
- Dates
- Numbers
Performance and Power Optimization
- Measuring Performance
- Instruments
- Responsiveness
- Memory Usage, Spikes, and Leaks
- Networking and Power