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The upcoming version of Python is on its way. The development cycle of the upcoming version started in the last month. The Python 3.8 is scheduled to release on 29th of July. Here’s what you can expect in the new version.

Positional-only parameters

The positional only parameters proposed in PEP 570 introduce a new syntax (/) to specify positional-only parameters in Python function definitions. The positional only parameters are similar to how * indicates that the arguments to its right are keyword only. Many built-in CPython functions already use the syntax.

Debug support

Formatted strings (f-strings) were introduced in Python 3.6. The debug support helps you evaluate an expression as part of the string along with inserting the result of function calls. Python 3.8 adds some additional syntax changes by adding a specifier and conversation for easy debugging. The new version offers a better way of doing print-style debugging.

Python initialization configuration

The Python code configuration is scattered all around the code. The PEP 587 introduces an all-new C API to configure Python initialization. This gives developers finer control over configuration. This API includes the ability to read and modify configuration before it is applied.

Parallel filesystem cache

The new Python cache prefix setting also configures the implicit bytecode cache. This can be used to separate the parallel filesystem tree. The location of the cache is reported in sys.pycache_prefix.

Debug builds

Python now uses the same ABI whether it is built-in the release or debug mode. Now it is possible to load C extensions built using stable ABI. Python 3.8 release builds and debugs build ABI compatible. On Unix, C extensions are no longer linked to libpython, except on Android and Cygwin. It is also possible to statically link Python to old C extensions using a shared Python library.

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