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.NET C# is still relevant today to learn and create C sharp based web applications. Visual C# offers an advanced code editor and other tools to develop applications based on C# and .NET framework.

C# Languages
The C sharp syntax is quite expressive but it is also simple and easy to understand. Anybody familiar with the language can easily recognise the C# code. Developers with background in C, C++ or Java can easily get started with C# language. The syntax simplifies many complexities of C++ and offers powerful features like nullable value types, enumerations, lambda expressions, delegates, and direct memory access.

As an object oriented language, C# supports concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. The methods that override virtual methods in a parent class need to use ‘override’ keyword to avoid accidental redefinition.

The build process of C# is simpler than C or C++ and more flexible than Java. There are no separate header files, no requirement that methods and types to be declared in a specified order. Any C# source oil can define any number of class, structs, interfaces, and events.

NET Framework Architecture
It is important to understand the architecture of .NET framework, which forms an integral component of Windows ecosystem. Source code written in C# is compiled in an intermediate language (IL), which conforms to the CLI specification. When the program written in C# is executed, the assembly gets loaded in the CLR, which takes various actions based on the information in the manifest.

If the security requirements are met, CLR performs just in time (JIT) compilation to convert the IL code to native machine instructions. The CLR also offers resource management, automatic garbage collection, and exception handling. Code executed by the CLR is referred as managed code, which is further compiled into native code machine language targeting specific system.

.NET framework offers an extensive library of 4000 classes organised into namespaces that provide various useful functions. These class libraries are designed to handle common plumbing chores.

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